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1:1 Personal Training
We know you have important goals and we will do our best to get you there with individualized program.
Being one on one, your program is tailored to your individual needs. We go through in-depth assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. In the program we cover your fitness goals as well as give you guidance in nutrition. Whether your goal is weight loss, fat loss, put on muscle mass or even get ready for a competition we build a program specifically for you.
Semi Private Training
We understand working out by yourself can be daunting and having a workout partner can make the world of differnce. Being semi private you get the benefits of being one on one but share the challenges and gains with an added 2nd or 3rd person. If you are seeking to lose weight and reduce body fat with a partner or get ready for an upcoming competition by getting faster, stronger and more explosive then come in and make each other better.
Group Strength Training
Working out with others is really motivating and really can encourage you to keep it going. That is why we have set up our Group Strength Training classes in way that everyone can push each other while still going at their own pace. Whether your goal is weight loss, fat loss, put on muscle mass or even get ready for a competition we take that into account and adjust during the class.